Top Questions About Hair Transplant Answered by Dr Vikas Gupta


    Top Questions About Hair Transplant Answered by Dr Vikas Gupta

    Some people often feel that there is a lot of unanswered stuff about hair transplant. If you belong to this category, we are glad to throw light on some topics through another question and answer session.

    Here are some of the most common questions regarding hair transplant surgery

    Is the transplant painful?

    FUE Hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure and guarantees minimum pain. The surgeon will administer anesthesia no doubt, but it will be local. Fair chances are that you will be awake during the procedure and will be able to talk to the surgeon too! Of course, the anesthesia injection will sting a bit, but that’s OK. The scalp might feel tight after the surgery but the feeling will ease within a few days.

    Does hair transplant cause scarring?

    It is a major concern among people. A lot of them feel scared to undergo the surgery due to the fear of scarring. With the latest FUE technique, the issue of scarring has decreased. It actually works as a disguise to scarring. The amount of scarring will depend on the technique followed. If you have opted for FUT, then there will be a long scar at the back of the head. This is due to the extraction of the strip of tissue from the donor site. This is not the case with FUE as it involves extracting donor hair in the form of individual follicles.

    What is the downtime?

    Although the surgery is not a very complex job, the person needs to take some time off to return to normal daily activities. It is advisable for the person to take at least 1 or two weeks off from the office, depending upon the area of the scalp that went under the knife. The downtime will vary from individual to individual, and the exact answer will lie with your surgeon.

    Can anyone opt for this procedure?

    Hair transplant indeed weaves magic for people with diminishing hair, but not everyone qualifies as a suitable candidate. There are a few eligibility conditions like an abundance of donor hair and thick texture. If the donor hair is not abundant or the hair is extremely thin, a transplant becomes a remote possibility.

    How long will the results last?

    Hair transplant yields long term results. The technique guarantees the most long-lasting results one can expect in the current scenario. The donor hair is extracted from the back area of the scalp. It is genetically resistant to hair fall. Once they are transplanted to the new site, they will retain this quality and last long.