Is Hair Transplant A Major Life Changing Decision?


    Is Hair Transplant A Major Life Changing Decision?

    Hair transplant has become a boon for all the patients dealing with excessive hair loss. If alternative medicines and cosmetics fail to restore hair growth, then it is time for a transplant.

    A hair transplant is a big step towards restoring your lost hair and rejuvenating your looks. It takes a lot of effort to reach the decision, but one should do the spadework beforehand. Yes, opting for a hair transplant surgery will require a lot of research regarding where and how will it be done. The most crucial deciding factor will be regarding who will perform the procedure. But in the plethora of big issues, one small but important issue gets lost. It is the decision regarding your hairline. It might sound insignificant but it holds a lot of importance,  considering it is the most crucial and visible point of the hair.

    What Is The Significance Of A Hairline?

    The patients are so taken over by the fact that their hair will be replaced that they forget all about the minor things. They are looking forward to the delight of having a full head. We are not telling them not to be delighted but there is more to hair transplant than a full head! The hairline also plays an important role. The decision regarding the hairline should be taken with care so as to ensure that the results look natural. So instead of concentrating on just the volume, it is necessary that you decide on which kind of hairline you would prefer. The surgeon will advise you on which one to opt for according to the shape of your face and the natural hairline you have. The hairline will be the most noticeable part of the transplanted hair.

    Planning the Hairline

    Profile India provides hair transplant with both FUT and FUE benefits. With our experienced and well-trained doctors, expecting a natural looking hairline won’t be difficult. Our expert team holds many years of experience in lending the patients a natural looking hairline.

    The consultation process involves the discussion between the client and the doctor so that there is no chasm between the expectations of the patient and the results which the doctor can deliver.

    The discussion progresses according to the amount of the donor’s hair and the expected hairline.

    While some patients demand too low hairline, some demand a higher one. But the surgeon can throw some light on the effects of the new hairline according to the shape of the face and the age of the patient. The doctor will highlight the pros and cons of the suggested hairline after asking the patient his preference. The patient and the doctor can reach a common point after detailed discussion.

    Hairline and Age

    The hairline recedes by 2 cm during the adolescent period of the boys. It is not hair loss but simply a sign of maturing hairline. So a man in his 40s should not opt for a hairline which is too low as it will make it look unnatural. The hairline should be in keeping with the age and facial shape. Get in touch with your surgeon if you are in doubt about which type of hairline you want to sport after the transplant.