Few Techniques To Deal With Scabs Post Hair Transplant Surgery00On August 6, 2022August 6, 2022By Profile FoteIn hair, hair growth, hair loss, hair loss treatmentTags Hair Transplant in Ludhiana Views: 642 Have you just undergone a hair loss treatment? Or you might undergo it soon! If yes, then you...
A Detail Analysis Of Hair Loss And Its Transplant Treatment00On July 2, 2022July 2, 2022By Profile FoteIn hair, hair loss, hair transplant Views: 565 In this blog, we want to share a story of a female patient who came to us for...
Hair transplant in summer: Can sweat affect the hair transplant results?00On May 28, 2022May 30, 2022By Profile FoteIn hair, Hair Restoration, hair transplant Views: 936 A hair transplant is one of the most effective approaches to transforming your hair health. Although, most patients...
What is biotin? Is it worth taking for the hair growth and what is the dosage?00On July 16, 2021August 19, 2021By Profile FoteIn biotin, hair, hair growth Views: 1,178 One piece of research has shown that around 40% of women and 30% of men experience hair loss...
What are hair grafts? How many are needed as per the type of hair loss?00On July 14, 2021July 15, 2021By Profile FoteIn hair, hair growth, hair loss Views: 1,613 When you choose to undergo a hair transplant in Punjab, the surgeon will make sure that you get...
How hair color can damage your hair health? Are there natural options?01On June 16, 2021June 17, 2021By Profile FoteIn hair Views: 1,276 Hair coloring can be fun and exciting. Almost all of us have tried to color our hair at...
What you should know about the undercut hairstyle? Why is it the best?00On June 14, 2021June 14, 2021By Profile FoteIn hair Views: 1,340 The undercut hairstyle is the most iconic hairstyle, which is the most iconic one. Both men and women...
Hair health: Does intake of probiotics benefit and support hair health?00On June 14, 2021June 15, 2021By Profile FoteIn hair Views: 1,261 Medical history is filled with achievements and innovation on every horizon. It has indeed changed the face of...
Are Twin Born with the same hair types?00On January 8, 2020January 8, 2020By Profile FoteIn hair Views: 1,800 We are here to tell you about hair loss and the treatment related to it. However, the discussion...
PCOD’s Effect On Your Hair00On May 23, 2019May 25, 2019By Profile FoteIn hair, hair loss Views: 1,486 These days, PCOD is a common hormonal problem in women of reproductive age. In addition to this, a...