Tips to Care for Hair Before Going to Bed


    Tips to Care for Hair Before Going to Bed

    What do you do when you get up? After doing the essential toilet routine, you proceed to make yourself look presentable. Combing your hair is an important part of your daily grooming. You try your best to keep your hairstyle neat to cast the perfect impression when you face the world. So hair grooming is taken care of during the day, but are you as careful about your hair at night?

    Yes, the night is the time for resting and relaxing but there is something you can do for grooming your hair before you hit the bed. If you are not careful enough ,it might lead to hair loss. Excessive hair loss will require hair transplant .

    Follow our top tips and you will see a wonderful change in your hair –

    • Brush Them

    Yes, brushing your teeth is important before going to bed, but so is brushing your hair. It will help in detangling your hair and keeping it protected during sleeping. You will see they differ in your hair when you wake up. It will no longer be as messy like it is when you don’t brush it before retiring to bed.

    The way you brush is also important. Brush the ends and work your way to the roots.This will help in removing the tangles. It might contribute to settling your hair in lesser time in the morning.

    • Nourishment before sleeping

    We all use various styling techniques and procedures to get the chic look. But all the styling can wreak havoc on the quality of our hair. It might become brittle and coarse. This might lead to hair loss and breakage. To reverse the effect,  use a conditioner which you can leave in the hair. You can use a conditioning mask on the weekend so that you can wash it the next day. It will leave your hair unbelievably soft. The same effect can be achieved by using coconut oil. Leave it overnight and wash the next day, you will be amazed at the difference it makes. Using it at night will help in keeping the hair rejuvenated and well moisturized.

    • Plait it up

    Plaiting your hair will help in keeping it smooth and unruffled caused by your twisting and turning during sleep. Plaiting it up will ensure that your movements won’t affect your hair. One another advantage is that you can get the wavy look in your hair without exposing your crowning glory to heat styling. So if you are fond of the wavy look and want to prevent your hair from damage,  plaiting is the way to go!

    • Soften the bed

    Friction from the bedding or the pillows can break the hair. Opt for soft fibres such as satin or silk, which will not present any friction. The hair will simply slide over the surface and will not break. What a comfortable and beautiful option!