Hair Loss: Causes, Stages, Types, Treatments

What is Hair loss?

Hair Loss Causes, Stages, Types, Treatments: Everyone has a fixed count of hair follicles on their scalp that develops hairs for the rest of life. But due to some reasons such as accidents, stress, genetic problems, pregnancy, hormone variations, unhealthy diet and poor lifestyle, the hair growth decelerate and hair fall occurs. Extensive hair fall results into thinning hair line and develops bald patch on the scalp. In men the baldness occurs more commonly than in women. Hair loss problems are commonly occurring in people even in their young age. The problem persists over the age that should be treated by consulting your cosmetic professional quickly or by visiting hair transplant clinic.

What are hair loss stages?

  • Anagen – It is an active growth stage of hair follicles during which hair root is classified quickly, improving the hair stuff. The hair grows for 1 cm within a month.
  • Catagen – This is a small transition stage that occurs at the end of the anagen phase. It triggers the end of active hair growth. The length of this period is 2 to 3 weeks during which hair converts club hair. Club hair is developed in the catagen phase
  • Telogen – This is a resting phase of the hair follicle. When the body receives wide stress, more than 50% of hair can enter into telogen phase earlier and start falling that is specified as hair loss. This is a Telogen effluvium condition.

The major cause of hair loss is aging.


Hair Loss in Men

More than 80% of men experience extensive hair thinning at their 50s even in many cases it starts when they cross their 20s. The myths like wearing caps, running fingers in hair, combing, brushing or tying hairs cause them to fall which is not true. But men who do excessive smoking face hair loss occurred as male pattern baldness. However, hair loss in men is not any type of medical problem. It doesn’t affect your health at all but you should look for its cure.

The common causes of hair loss in men are several such as genetics, deficiency of vitamin A, protein, excessive sickness and stress. The male pattern baldness results into hair thinning and then baldness on the top of the head specifically the front side.

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Hair Loss in Women

Hair growth in women includes a normal hair cycle but it goes awry due to different reasons resulting into hair loss.

The things that affect hair growth are medication, sickness, infection, and chemicals. A scalp is a dynamic place that can undergo various changes due to alteration in body processes caused by various reasons that lead to hair loss.

Hair loss may appear like a major issue in men, but women are also susceptible to it. Most of the females experience hair loss in their late 50s however it can also happen due to various reasons. In an average female, around 50 – 100 strands fall out and during the head wash, almost 250 hairs drop down but you should not stop washing hairs regularly because they will fall eventually.

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Different types of hair loss

  • Androgenetic Alopecia – This type of alopecia is a hereditary disorder resulting in the gradual conversion of terminal hairs in the undefined and vellus hairs. It affects both males and females. It is characterized by increased hair fall, conversion from big, pigmented terminal hairs to thin, smaller and indeterminate hairs that become small and wispy.
  • Alopecia Areata – Alopecia areata is an autoimmune problem under which immune system mistakenly attacks hairs and their structure, it causes hair fall on the scalp and other parts. Hairs drop in small, circular groups creating a patch of quarter size. Hair loss is severe in this disorder type.
  • Cicatricial or Scarring Alopecia – Alopecia begins as scarring alopecia under which vast loss of follicular ostia occurs. It is found that immune alteration results into scarring alopecia.
  • Traction Alopecia – Due to extensive pressure on hair, hair fall occurs. It results in specific hairstyles that result in little and localized hair fall. Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss disorder that occurs with the passage of time. It is resulted by prolonging strain or tension. Other factors contributing in Traction Alopecia are- tight ponytails, tight braids, extension braids, hair ties, specific hair clips, headbands, tight hairties, tight headgear for example helmets, use of hair rollers, frequent hair pulling etc. The occurrence of these factors frequently, result in prolong tension that causes further hairline thinning. Finally, hair looks thinner than usual.
  • Trichotillomania – In few cases, people pull hair from their own scalp and eyelashes. It is a psychological problem that is commonly found in kids. It results in the development of hair patches. Trichotillomania is an impulse monitored disorder, a psychological condition where an individual cannot prevent performing a specific action. This disorder creates negative effects making a person embarrassed. It lowers the personality of the person and affects self-esteem.
  • Telogen effluvium – This type of hair loss may occur in females after a couple of weeks to months of baby birth. In other cases it occurs due to severe sickness, stress and quick weight change that significantly recovers within a few months. Telogen effivium hair loss occurs due to alteration in the hair growth cycle when a vast count of hair enters into the telogen phase simultaneously. It is a type of nonscarred baldness that results into diffuse hair fall, usually with an acute onset. Telogen effluvium is a reactive process resulted by a metabolic stress or by medicine.

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