What to do if dandruff comes about in the initial month after the hair transplantation?


    What to do if dandruff comes about in the initial month after the hair transplantation?

    As per the cosmetic surgeons who carry out the hair transplant in Punjab, “ It is quite possible to experience dandruff after the hair transplant.” The emergence of mild dandruff in the initial month after the surgery is quite normal and will not affect the transplanted hair. But if you keep up with the scratching, then you will surely expect the dislodgement or misplacement of the hair grafts.

    Cost – The question of every hair loss patient

    The hair transplant cost in India depends upon the intensity of the hair loss and the cause which is affecting it. To give you an idea, the cost may fall from INR 50,000/- to INR 1, 25, 000/-.

    Repeated Abrasion

    Whenever a hair loss patient is bothered with dandruff, then they should avoid scratching the scalp. This scratching will take the form of the abrasion which is being repeated all over and over again which will then lead to the traction alopecia.

    Traction alopecia

    Owing to the following, the scalp may get tensed which will then lead to hair loss:

    • Tight Ponytails
    • Braids
    • Hair extensions
    • Chemical relaxers

    Whenever the hair undergoes either the repeated traumatized conditions to the hair follicles or the intense pulling of the hair in the wake of getting done with the hairstyles that want tightness.

    What should be your first step?

    If you have gotten to experience dandruff after the surgical procedure, first of all, try to get it treated with medical aid.

    Did you know?

    You can use the medicated shampoos 45 days after the surgical procedure.

    The doctor’s consultation should be sought in this regard, who will guide you about which medication you should be using to get rid of dandruff.

    What if I can’t control myself to scratch my head?

    In case, you are feeling it difficult to control your urge to scratch the head or you are not getting relaxed until you scratch the head, then it might be taken as a sign or symptom of the “SCALP DERMATITIS” which is the severest kind of the irritation experienced in the scalp.

    Once you end up scratching your head, then you will come up with some hair on your fingers which may include the proportion of the following:

    80% – Native Hair 20% Transplanted Hair

    What should you know about hair shedding?

    The hair shedding could be in the following forms:

    Normal hair shedding The hair shedding will only be considered as the normal kind of shedding when the hair follicles have entered the telogen phase.
    Male Pattern Baldness The miniaturized hair could be taken as a sign of the male pattern baldness.
    Shock Loss It is the condition in which the hair follicles get permanently shocked and commenced to fall off.

    Bottom Line

    If you want to know more about the “Dandruff after hair transplant” or “Hair shedding conditions”, then please let us know. We shall publish detailed blogs on the aforementioned topics.