Two Types of Rhinoplasty Explained


    Two Types of Rhinoplasty Explained

    Nose job or rhinoplasty procedure can be done to treat elements. This means it can be used to alter nose size or shape of nasal tip, bridge, or nostrils. The main aim of the procedure is to proportionate the nose shape according to the rest of the face structure. This guide will help you learn 2 types of nose job procedures.

    Reason for choosing Nose Job

    Rhinoplasty is the surgical procedure to address the nose problem with its structure and functioning. With rhinoplasty surgery, the misalignment of the structure is treated. Some irregularities can affect the airflow and this makes it difficult to breathe properly. In such cases, when the internal problem is addressed it might be possible the external shift can come out to be aesthetically pleasing. 

    Functional Rhinoplasty

    • Patients undergoing the functional nose job surgery are with the nasal passage that is too narrow and crooked cartilage (septum). The septum might be misaligned due to natural development or any type of trauma can push its alignment. 

    The procedure to correct this is known as septoplasty. The cartilage is positioned which makes it sit vertically and this allows the air to move easily through the nostril. 

    • Another functional problem can be addressed are sinus infection, allergies, or hormones which makes the turbinates get enlarged. The turbinates are made of tissues, blood vessels, and bone. If the lowest and largest structure i.e. inferior turbinates are swollen then the airflow can get affected. 

    In this case, the turbinate reduction can solve the problem by removal of tissue and allows more space for the air to pass easily. 

    Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

    • Many patients are getting a nose job to address the cosmetic concern. In the nose point too far, or lean to the left or right then it can affect the person’s self-confidence. Moreover, it won’t compliment the rest of your face structure. 
    • Another reason to get nose surgery is nostrils are too wide, pronounced bump, pinched nasal tip, or dip on the dorsum. In such cases, men and women feel that the nose is very large. So, this is the reason, they prefer to undergo the surgery so that their nose looks proportionate with the rest of the face. 

    Often when you get the results like the entire nose appears in balance with mouth, eyes, and forehead. Also, the distance and angle between the rest of the face elements are proper. 

    How does the recovery feel?

    Following the surgery, you need to wear the splint for a few weeks. This way the nasal tissues will be kept in place and the new alignments will heal properly. 

    For two weeks, there will be swelling and bruising. Once the swelling subsides you will be able to see the desired results. To see the final results you need to wait for a few months.