Cankles : How to Get Rid of Them?


    Cankles : How to Get Rid of Them?

    Are you looking to get rid of the excess hanging skin over the shoes? Well, whatever the reason is you consulting the best cosmetic doctor will give you the best possible results. This guide is going to brief understanding of types of cankles and how the treatment is done to remove it.

    What is cankle?

    Cankle is a non-medical term for the area where the ankle and calf meets. In some cases, this area is either large or disproportionate. For some patients, the cankle is even larger than the thigh.

    Types of patients with large cankle

    Every patient is different so the plastic surgeon will do a physical examination before treating it surgically. The cankle is of 2 types:

    • Type 1 patients have excess fat on the lower leg and this is the most common type. The fat can just be present on the ankle. The leg fat can extend to the knee or the lower border of the gastrocnemius muscle. 
    • Type 2 patients are less common as compared to type 1. In this case, the patients have fat on the lower leg skin. In this case, the patients will have either significant weight loss or weight gain. 

    What is the need for cankle surgery?

    Our cosmetic surgeon will let you know what is the need for cankle surgery. In some cases, the patient needs more definition between ankle and calf. In some cases, the patients have skin hanging on the inner and outer ankle which they want to get rid of. In such cases, the patient wants the hanging skin to be removed right away. 

    Treatment for cankle

    • The patients with Type 1 are related to the liposuction procedure. During the surgery, the tumescent solution is injected into the ankle and calf. This contains anesthesia and it helps minimize the bleeding. 

    With this approach, the fat is removed effectively. The VASER liposuction helps the skin to heal properly and gives smooth results.

    • The patients with Type 2 are treated with fat and skin resection. In this procedure, the lower leg is liposuctioned and then the incision is made on the inner ankle up the inner calf. 

    Where are the incisions made?

    The incision depends on how much fat needs to be taken out. With type 1 patients, around 5 incisions are needed. They are placed on the knee, side of the ankle, the center of the calf. With these incisions, the calf fat is removed effectively. 

    For the type 2 cankles, the incision is placed just above the inner ankle or medial malleolus. 

    How much time does the recovery take?

    For type 1 patients, the recovery is around 1 to 2 weeks. To get back to your normal working routine you need to wait for 2 weeks. 

    For type 2 patients, the patients need to wait for slightly longer to get back to a normal working routine at least 6 weeks.