Top Ways to put a full stop on discomfort after hair transplant


    Top Ways to put a full stop on discomfort after hair transplant

    We all must agree that undergoing a hair transplant is a great decision that we can take in our lives. You must agree that we all carry out great research and investment before undergoing the procedure. To bring about 100% Success in the procedure, it is super important to follow all the aftercare guidelines. If we are following all the aftercare measures, then we can expect to obtain natural and long-lasting results. To clear all your queries about the preparation and the aftercare of the Hair Transplant in Punjab, today’s article is for you.

    I am having an itchy scalp after the hair transplant. Is it normal to have so?

    The hair transplant doctor says, “It is quite common for your scalp to be itchy. The itchiness could persist from a couple of weeks to months. One must keep himself acquainted that itching is the obvious part of the healing process. The itchiness is the indication that the newly transplanted hair follicles are healing and the scabs are getting developed. But, no matter how much itching is taking place, one must resist his urge to scratch to get relief. Otherwise, it would lead to the dislodgement of the hair follicles. If you are finding it difficult to continue your lifestyle with that itchiness, then you can spray the saline water solution at your scalp to get rid of that severe itchiness. If you are comfortable, then you can also make use of the following:

    • Topical Creams
    • Antihistamines”

    How long can the redness on the scalp last?

    The intensity and the lasting of the redness on the scalp depends from individual to individual.

    Case 1:

    The hair transplant patients who are having a fairer skin tone, the redness will be quite evident and noticeable on their scalps.

    Case 2:

    For those who are having darker skin tones, the redness is not that noticeable on their skin tones.

    Please Note:

    Usually, the redness fades off within 2 to 3 weeks. But those who are having extensively sensitive skin tones, it may take a couple of months for them to get over their redness.

    Which is the best way to reduce scalp redness after the hair transplant?

    The following measure must be followed if one needs to get over that redness:

    • Make sure that you are not scrubbing your scalp.
    • Do not pick your scabs.
    • Make sure you are eating a healthy diet
    • Try to avoid smoking & alcohol consumption
    • If the swelling is bothering you, then apply a cold compress or the ice packs as advised
    • Avoid going out in the sun. If it is urgent and you have to go out, then make sure you are wearing a hat or a scarf so that the harmful rays of the sun are not affecting you at all.
    • Sleep in an elevated position which means you must put a pillow underneath your neck.
    • Do not shower hot water on your scalp