Instructions To Follow Before and after Facelift Surgery


    Instructions To Follow Before and after Facelift Surgery

    Facelift surgery is explained as a surgical procedure which is performed to remove excess skin from your face. It is useful to give you a more attractive and pleasant look because it is well-known for better results. And the recovery period of this surgery is too less because a person who takes this surgery will start his routine after a week. But he should be extra careful during the recovery periods such as use gentle facewash and take care of their eating regimen. There are also some instructions you have to follow for more natural and permanent results, for example, follow proper medications that are prescribed by your surgeon and wash your wash with a mild cleanser.

    Pre-care Instruction For Facelift Surgery

    • You should follow proper prescriptions that are given by your surgeon in order to get better results and fast recovery.
    • In addition, you should avoid taking any blood thinning medication or supplement because it may increase your recovery period. You should converse with your doctor he will guide what amount of these medications you need.
    • You should avoid eating at midnight because it will affect your procedure. You must drink plenty of water before the facelift procedure because water is useful to nourish your skin.
    • Wash your face and hair with gentle shampoo and facewash before the surgical procedure.
    • You should arrange someone for help after the procedure because this is the only one-day procedure.

    Post-care Instructions After The facelift surgery In India

    • You should apply ice packs in order to reduce swelling and discomfort. You should avoid using ice packs directly on the face, you should wrap them in a cotton cloth and then rub on your face.
    • You must follow the medications that are prescribed by a surgeon in order to reduce the risk of serious health condition and pain.
    • You should avoid the consumption of liquor and smoking because these are responsible to increase your recovery time period.
    • You should avoid staining for next 7 days because it is useful to reduce the risk of swelling.
    • It is a good idea to wear swiss eye masks for the next 3 days after the facelift medical procedure.
    • You should wash your hair with the baby and mild shampoo after the 3 weeks but you should avoid using chemical shampoos for the next three months.

    You should visit your surgeon after the week for a check-up and tell him if you face any type of discomfort.