Your First Hairstyle Post- Hair Transplant: A Professional Outlook


    Your First Hairstyle Post- Hair Transplant: A Professional Outlook

    Certainly, you will be excited and at the same time tensed up. Your first visit to a hairdresser after your hair transplant is also certainly a milestone that many desire to experience.

    However, much as you are excited and desire to fall into the hairstyling phase again after a long time, there are various concerns you must follow. At this juncture, let’s discuss several aspects you shouldn’t overlook.

    How Many Months Should You Take To Visit A Hairdresser Again?

    How Many Months Should You Take To Visit A Hairdresser Again?

    Having undergone a hair transplant surgery, you will certainly require time for total recovery. During this postoperative period, the scalp is delicate and some may even opt for clinic cleaning.

    Depending on any post-operative care approach utilized, a patient must follow the surgeon’s instructions. Most probably, the surgeon will prescribe medications to prevent any infection, promote healing, and also, boost the hair transplant results.

    During the same period, you will experience crusting, itchiness and scabs, which is totally normal. Following your hair transplant, the implanted follicles will fall out. This happens in the first three weeks.

    Having lost the transplanted hair follicles, you will begin witnessing a new growth in the next two months. As your hair grows, you may desire to trim it, but is a haircut at this period okay?

    Your First Hair Cut After A Hair Transplant

    Your First Hair Cut After A Hair Transplant

    A hair transplant is only recommended when a patient’s scalp has effectively healed. In case you aren’t certain of this, it is advisable that you consult your hair transplant surgeon before trimming your hair.

    For those who are able to undergo a hair transplant at this point, the hairdresser should obviously aim at styling the growing hair in the best way possible. The hairstyle must also hide the scars.

    In most cases, a short haircut is possible as it certainly plays within the range of the growing hair. Patients who underwent an FUE hair transplant won’t necessarily have to worry about scars as the procedure results in unnoticeable scarring.

    During the hair styling process, the hairdresser must also pay attention to the patient’s scalp and hair in order to cause no damage. Certainly, with time, a patient will be able to enjoy a variety of hairstyles.

    This Is What To Do Before You Get Your First Haircut

    This Is What To Do Before You Get Your First Haircut

    • Consult Your Hair Transplant Surgeon

    Choose to consult your hair transplant surgeon for the best advice possible. Although your hairdresser may be skilled, he isn’t entirely experienced when it comes to the hair transplantation sphere.

    This is vital in case you still experience any level of pain, swelling, or redness.

    • Be Selective As You Choose Your Hairdresser

    Not all hairdressers are in good position to trim post-transplant patients. If possible, ask your surgeon for a right hairdresser.

    During Your Haircut

    You may request your hairstylist to use no styling products or in case required, he should use gentler products. This is recommended to prevent any sensitivity that may occur during the process.

    Request Your hairdresser to be gentle and certainly professional

    Aim for simpler haircuts rather than the sophisticated ones that might expose your scalp to damage.