When is it possible to cover the head after getting a hair transplant?


    When is it possible to cover the head after getting a hair transplant?

    All those struggling with hair loss or have worked with the same, look for the treatment options that are right or worth opting for. But, one thing is sure almost all the medications available for hair loss can offer temporary relief and not more than that. So, What’s the way to address hair loss? The best, permanent, and most effective way to deal with hair loss is planning the treatment of Hair Transplant in Punjab.

    Now, all those who have undergone the hair transplant have doubts regarding what to do afterward. One of the considerations is, ‘When can I cover the scalp after a hair transplant?’ This blog will give you a thorough understanding of the same.

    When can I cover the scalp after a hair transplant?

    Following a hair transplant, you should not cover the scalp for around 10 to 14 days. In this period, the transplanted hair grafts are delicate and need utmost care. So, make a site that you do not wear anything over the head or till the time the doctor suggests you do so. Be mindful about these things to ensure that the Hair Transplant Cost you have paid for is worth it and that the results are as per your expectations.

    How can you cover the scalp after a hair transplant?

    It would help if you took assistance from the hair restoration surgeon to know the right way to cover the scalp. The hair grafts are delicate in the initial phase, so you have to be careful when you wear or remove the hat. Some of the basic instructions you should follow are to cover the scalp after a hair transplant.

    • Always wear loose-fitted clothing because the tight headwear will affect the transplanted hair grafts.
    • Always use both hands when you want to remove the hat or headgear. Do not rub the cap against the scalp. So make sure while you remove anything, you do it with utmost care.

    Are there any exceptional situations to cover the scalp after a hair transplant?

    The initial few weeks require the scalp not to be covered. To ensure hair growth is expected, you have to be mindful of these factors. But, there are a few cases where the scalp should be covered like:

    • Scalp protection to reduce the impact of sunlight

    After a hair transplant, the scalp is delicate, and there is a need to be extra careful about the same. So, make sure that you do not expose the scalp to sunlight. If you are not mindful of this part, the healing process is affected. So, make sure that you talk about the same with the doctor to understand better how to protect the scalp.

    • Scalp protection from all the harmful air pollutants

    The scalp has an incision, so you need to give it time to heal. Additionally, it’s like protecting it from dust and dirt. So, while the recovery period is going on, you have to be careful in all ways. To protect the scalp, you should wear a loose-fitting hat.

    How soon can I wear a helmet after a hair transplant?

    If your job includes wearing a helmet, then better take a rest for three weeks. The transplanted hair grafts need this much time to place themselves firmly. So, make sure that you keep this factor in mind.