What are the necessary precautions you need to take after a hair transplant?


    What are the necessary precautions you need to take after a hair transplant?

    Precautionary measures to take after hair transplant

    Following any surgical procedure, there are certain measures that you need to take to make sure the results are ideal in every manner. The same goes with the patients who have undergone the Hair Transplant in Punjab or choosing to get one. Indeed! There are certain do’s and don’ts which make or break the treatment results. Following the general guidelines as shared by the doctor will help you get the best results. You will be paying for the Hair Transplant Costso it is essential that you manage everything properly and after the desired period you will see the best results.

    Necessary guidelines to follow to increase the success of hair transplant

    • Alcohol consumption is a big ‘NO’ after the surgery. Along with that caffeinated beverages or energy drinks should not be consumed.

    • Any sort of hair product is not ideal to use for one week or 7 days after the procedure. Many of them are filled with harmful chemicals & materials which can affect the healing process.

    • Make sure that for at least 7 days the head should not hit against any vehicle or any sort of thing.

    • Make your diet healthy all the time.

    How to take care of the scalp after the hair transplant?

    • Do not touch the scalp after the surgery for 3 days. Any sort of friction with the scalp can affect the recovery process.

    • Make sure that you get the hair wash done in the specified period, otherwise, the results will be impacted. Also, you need to submerge your scalp in the water.

    • Do not itch the scalp.

    What clothes are ideal to wear after a hair transplant?

    • Avoid wearing a hat or headgear for 30 days after the surgery.

    • Do not wear the clothes in which you need to pull it. Ideally, you should wear button-up shirts.

    Can I take part in sports and physical activities after a hair transplant?

    You can but you need to be careful like:

    • Heavy weight should not be lifted for 7 days. Do not swim because pool water is chlorinated which can damage the hair grafts. Additionally, excess sweat after the physical regime will impact hair growth.

    • Bending forward for one week is not preferred

    • Sexual intercourse is avoided after 3 days

    It’s better to get yourself involved in lightweight activities.

    How can I style my hair after a hair transplant?

    • Any sort of hair styling product is not preferred for 3 months. Only after that, you can use the hair care products.

    • The use of wigs or any other product like this is not preferred.

    Always follow the doctor advice after hair transplant

    As much as you can focus and follow the doctor’s advice, you will be in a better state to get the best results. If you have any concerns in your mind before or after the surgery, then make sure to consult the doctor at the earliest. Get yourself the best hair transplant treatment plan by Dr. Vikas Gupta for an effective treatment plan. Contact us at +917900000847 or fill out the contact form mentioning all your information – https://profilehairtransplant.com/contact-us.php.