Using advanced techniques to improve results in hair transplant procedures


    Using advanced techniques to improve results in hair transplant procedures

    Hair completes beauty in both men and women, but due to different causes like genetics, environmental factors, hormones, and diet, many men and women are losing their hair right from a tender age. Hair transplant procedures are surgical means of extracting and inserting hair from one region to another. The procedure uses specialized blades, needles, and microscopes to extract hair from the donor part to the recipient part.

    Due to the advantages or benefits of hair transplant procedures, various methods are developed to improve the hair transplant techniques. Apart from the non-surgical treatments used to increase the productivity of hair transplant procedure, BIO-FUE hair transplant is a new development in improving the beauty, strength and quality of the hair after a hair transplant surgery. The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is used where hair follicles are harvested individually from the back of the scalp; small incisions are made in the recipient region where the hair follicles are inserted one by one. The Bio-fue comes in when the blood is extracted from the patient and a serum is made from it and then injected into the patient’s scalp after the hair transplant procedure. This technique increases the density of the hair, appearance, and quality. It is good for both men and women and affordable all around. The postoperative care and treatment must be conducted as the surgeon may recommend preventing risks and complications.