Questions You Must ask your doctor before liposuction


    Questions You Must ask your doctor before liposuction

    Liposuction is specially designed for those with unwanted fat deposits on the abdominal area. If you are one of them and struggling to get rid of unwanted fat deposits, then you need to get help from a specialist. Before undergoing the treatment, you need to talk to your surgeon to clear your doubts.

    Several people are struggling to get rid of unwanted fat deposits even with diet and routine exercise. In this case, they need to undergo liposuction surgery, specially designed to get rid of unwanted fat deposits from certain body parts. To get this treatment, you need to visit the best cosmetic surgeon, so that you can reduce the risk of complications.

    Here are some questions that you must ask your surgeon prior to undergoing the lipo surgery.

    Who is a good candidate for lipo surgery?

    Generally, goodcandidates for a liposuction are-:

    • Individuals with positivity in mind.
    • Adults with an ideal weight, good muscle tone, and elastic skin.
    • Nonsmokers and non-alcoholic
    • Healthy persons who do not have any medical conditions, as well as a life-threatening illness, can impair the recovery process.

    What are a patient’s limitations after getting the surgery?

    • To recover faster, you have to avoid lifting heavy objects and you must avoid household chores for several weeks after the surgery.
    • You also avoid strenuous exercises for several weeks after getting lipo surgery.
    • You must consume healthy food full of nutrients and minerals to heal faster.

    How much time do I need to wait to recover from the surgery?

    • You may need to stay in the clinic for one night depending on your health.
    • You must wear compression garments for at least 2 months after surgery.
    • The recovery of lipo surgery depends on your post-operative care. If you follow all the instructions of your surgeon properly, then you can simply heal within 2-3 weeks.

    What do I need to prepare prior to the surgical procedure?

    To undergo surgery, you have to stop drinking alcohol and taking medications almost 2 months prior to surgery. Don’t worry, your surgeon also helps you to make arrangements to prepare for surgery.

    What about swelling, pain, and discomfort after the surgery?

    It is normal that you experience swelling, bruising, pain, and discomfort after every surgery. You must take antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection and to get rid of swelling too. If you experience severe pain, then you must consult your surgeon as soon as possible and ask him for a pain management plan.

    To recover faster from the lipo surgery, you need to follow all the instructions of your surgeon properly. You only take prescribed medications so that you can reduce the risk of complications.