Liposuction Surgery Cost in Chandigarh – Liposuction Surgery Centre in Chandigarh


    Liposuction Surgery Cost in Chandigarh – Liposuction Surgery Centre in Chandigarh

    What are the Pros and Cons of Choosing Liposuction?

    Liposuction surgery in Chandigarh is spreading as a popular cosmetic procedure to contour the body. It is the effective surgery that could suck the stubborn fat from the body. It is the surgical procedure in which with the help of hollow instrument cannula that is inserted through the small incision in the targeted area, fat is removed. It is the best fat removal method that can be applied on various parts of the body like abdomen thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, arms, calves and even the back.

    What actually is the liposuction?

    Liposuction is the fat removal method means it can remove the stubborn fat of the body which generally does not get removed by diet or exercise but it does not mean that it can control your weight. It means it is not the procedure for the correction of obesity or not for the overall weight loss as it is considered as the best procedure for those who have stable body weight and have some undesired deposit of fat in the specific parts of their body.

    It is the procedure that can remove the limited amount of fat cells to alter the shape of the body for permanent basis but if the patient adopts healthy lifestyle after surgery as per the instruction of the cosmetic surgeon.

    It is the minimally invasive surgical procedure which is generally performed under the general anesthesia so that patient could have the comfortable and painless procedure. It is the procedure of few hours depending on the amount of fat to be removed in the session and during the liposuction session small hollow instrument called cannula is inserted in the targeted area of the body through the small incision and then with the help of attached vacuum on the cannula, fat cells are sucked out as per the requirement and then the stitches are given to close the incision.

    In the liposuction patient could have the following options like

    1. Tumescent liposuction
    2. Dry liposuction
    3. Ultrasound liposuction
    4. Power assisted liposuction
    5. Laser-assisted lipolysis

    Results of liposuction

    Soon after the surgery patient can go home but the patient may have some effects of the surgery like redness, swelling, mild pain or bleeding in the treated area so some special instructions for care and prevention are given to the patient.

    Actual results of liposuction can be seen after the healing of inflammation means after a few weeks of the surgery. the patient could have permanent removal of the desired fat cells but if he stabilize his weight as per the instructions of the surgeon but if he gain the weight after surgery then he may not have the desired results of perfect contouring of body.

    Pros of liposuction

    As discussed above liposuction is the effective and minimally invasive procedure for removing the stubborn fat cells but this procedure can also be preferred to treat certain conditions like

    • Lymphedema is the chronic long-term condition in which the lymph or fluid get collected in the tissues and cause swelling or edema and it generally occurs in the legs or arms due to which patient could have undesired shape of the body with discomfort and pain so the liposuction procedure help to remove this collected fluid in the legs or arms and help to reduce the swelling and pain
    • Sometimes liposuction is also combined with the gynecomastia procedure so that fat deposits beneath the man’s breasts can be removed
    • Liposuction is also preferred after the extreme weight loss for the removal of excess skin
    • Some females also choose liposuction after delivery of a baby to restore the tight and skinny look of their abdomen.
    • For the correction of lipomas that are benign fatty tumors, this procedure is used.
    • Sometimes due to lipodstrophy syndrome fat get accumulated in the one part of the body and lost from the other part then liposuction is recommended to improve the patient’s appearance by providing the even distribution of body fat.

    Thus liposuction is a really effective procedure that can give the permanent contouring of the body and even it is a cost-effective procedure that could give safe and long lasting results.

    Cons of liposuction

    Overall liposuction is the best and safe procedure that could give the permanent results and can remove the desired amount of fat but there can be some potential risks of this procedure like bruising, inflammation, and bleeding, scarring, numbness of the treated area, contour irregularities, infection or some time skin damage. However these side effects are not permanent and even can be minimized with the choice of the best cosmetic surgeon but definitely, these risks spoil outweigh the advantages of the procedure up to some extent.