Is It Worth To Go For PRP Therapy For Hair Loss Treatment?


    Is It Worth To Go For PRP Therapy For Hair Loss Treatment?

    What is PRP therapy?

    PRP treatment for hair loss is a three-step treatment in which an individual’s blood is drawn, processed, and after that infused into the scalp. Many studies demonstrate that PRP injections are useful to promote hair development. Additionally, useful to keep up it by expanding blood supply to the hair follicle and expanding the thickness of the hair shaft. In some cases, this methodology is joined with other hair loss systems or drugs. There hasn’t been sufficient research to demonstrate if PRP is a viable male pattern baldness treatment. In earlier days, it was utilized for health issues such as healing harmed ligaments, tendons, and muscles. But nowadays, PRP therapy is used for hair loss problems.

    PRP Therapy Process

    PRP hair loss treatment is a three-step procedure. PRP therapy is done in 4 weeks whereas the maintenance treatments take 6 months. The first stage is known as blood drawn. In this stage your blood is drawn, generally from your arm. Then put it into a machine that turns quickly to isolate liquids of various densities.

    In the second stage of PRP treatment is that your blood is then separated into three parts such as red blood cells, platelet-rich plasma, and platelet-poor plasma.

    Another and last stage of this treatment is injection treatment. Then your drawn blood is injected to the affected areas of the head where actually hair growth is needed. This therapy is too effective when it can be taken with other medical procedures. This procedure gives you many benefits even if this has a long maintenance time.

    Benefits of PRP therapy for hair loss

    This hair loss treatment is too beneficial because it improves your overall look and gives you an alluring look. This is also beneficial for hair growth and boosts your self-confidence. Even this procedure has a long maintenance time but it does not take too much time to recover. You can immediately go back to your normal routine after the procedure. Moreover, this therapy is too safe because it uses your own blood cells. So you do not feel any complication and side effect after the procedure.

    You should converse with your doctor with the goal to get knowledge about PRP treatment.

    Cost of PRP

    The cost of the PRP treatment depends on the quality of types of equipment which are used in treatment. Moreover, it also depends on your location. The cost ordinarily goes from Rs 75,000– Rs1 lac for the underlying three medicines, with one infusion.