Important Facts About Brachioplasty


    Important Facts About Brachioplasty

    The arm lift surgery helps in reducing the sagging skin from the upper arm. With age, the skin will lose its laxity. Well, there has been a sudden rise in the arm lift procedure. This guide will help you understand the important & interesting facts related to the Brachioplasty procedure.

    At times, the person is fit & healthy but the skin starts losing its elasticity. Some people might get good results from diet and in some cases, bariatric surgery can help. However, either way, you need to choose only one option to deal with the issue of skin hanging from the upper arms.

    In that case, the Brachioplasty is a great way to minimize the effect of this condition which is also known as bat wings. When you visit our doctor to get the arm lift surgery in India there are some important facts which you need to keep in mind.

    What is the working of an arm lift?

    Well, many people are experiencing the problem which can occur with age and skin start getting loose. Many people have undergone a weight loss problem or weight fluctuations will see this result. This way the patient will be able to get better contour and the excess skin will be removed from the elbow to armpit.

    What to expect from the procedure?

    If you choose this option, the patient will be given general anesthesia. The surgeon will remove the fat from the skin and the inner backside of the arm. If there is a lot of skin then the skin is removed from the arm top. The entire treatment takes 2 to 3 hours.

    Once the surgery is done the patient needs to wear a compression garment to reduce the swelling.

    To get back to the light activity you can resume within a few days. You need to wait for at least 3 to 4 weeks to get back to strenuous workout-routine.

    Why won’t liposuction address all the issues?

    You have excess skin but underlying fat is keeping it tight then arm lift & liposuction is the best procedure. But, in most cases, liposuction is not the best option. People opt for liposuction as there is no problem with scarring.

    But, the liposuction will not be able to solve the issue of excess skin. After the liposuction, the underlying fat will not be removed.

    Important factors

    It is very important for the patient to have realistic results and what is the best choice for you. Undergoing the procedure will help to address the problem and it will make you look better. The procedure is very safe and it helps to address all the health issues.

    If you have any doubts in your mind then schedule your appointment with our surgeon today only.