If I Choose Surgical Facelift Then What Can I Expect And What Will Be Options For Me?


    If I Choose Surgical Facelift Then What Can I Expect And What Will Be Options For Me?

    The face is known as the index of mind as everything that we have in mind get reflected from it. Moreover, our face is our recognition and symbol of personality so being conscious about-face is the obvious thing. But with the age, our face starts revealing signs of aging like losing or drooping skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. In the old age, our skin loses elasticity and volume and as a result, our face draws downwards and droops near the bone. To reverse these conditions of the face, people opt for the surgical facelift so that they could get rejuvenated and appealing face with tightened skin.

    What is facelift surgery?

    What is facelift surgery?

    Facelift surgery is also called rhytidoplasty, it is the best procedure to reverse out the natural aging signs. With this procedure, people can resolve their facial issues like wrinkles, skin sagging, creasing, fallen corners of the mouth, and many more.
    During the surgery small incision is made under the anaesthesia to give painless treatment to the patient. From the incision, tissue and skin are lifted and restored and even if there is surplus akin then it is also removed. After the surgery, incisions are closed with absorbable stitches. It is minimally invasive surgery that can tighten and rejuvenate your skin.

    What are the various facelift options?

    What are the various facelift options?

    There are various options available for the patients of facelift surgical treatment on the basis of the technique used and areas targeted during surgery. Following are some common facelift surgical options

    • A full facelift is a surgical option in which the whole face of the patient is improved and during this treatment option skin sagging below the jaw, the lines between nose and mouth, heavy or low eyebrows are improved.
    • Mid- facelift surgical option is to lift sagging cheeks, improving lower eyelid area, nasal folds are improved.
    • Mini facelift surgical treatment focuses on the neck and jaws and it is considered as the best solution for the patients who have moderate skin laxity and some jowls.
    • Forehead and brow lift surgical treatment are done for improving forehead, correction of deep lines and to elevate the brows. These surgical facelifts help to enhance the overall appearance of your face.
    • Eyelid surgery or facelift and Blepharoplasty are the combined procedure to improve eyelids and overall face.
    • Some time facelift procedures are also combined with non-surgical treatments to optimize the after results. In two to three weeks patient can get recover from the surgery and can resume his normal activities. However complete results of the surgery can be seen after 3-4 weeks.