How does Cancer Treatment Cause you to lose or shed the hair?


    How does Cancer Treatment Cause you to lose or shed the hair?

    As someone has well said, “We do not realise the importance of something until we lose it.” Exactly what goes with hair loss. None other than the cancer patients realise this thing better. Here arises the question, “How and Why does Cancer cause you to lose your hair?

    There are two facets to this question:

    Lowered Immunity

    When our immunity is lowered, then its straight impact falls on the hair growth. This is the main reason that the people who fall sick early (because of lowered immunity) experience a great intensity of hair loss.

    Considering that, people with hair loss issues are often suggested to follow a good diet regime that includes all the nutritional fruits and vegetables.

    Next Comes: Chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy is cancer eliminating treatment. Because of its power-packed nature, it is used to destroy cancer-causing cells. Because of its nature, it does not only affect cancer-causing cells, but it affects the other cells of the body as well. Along with that it destroys the roots of the hair and thus triggers the shedding of the hair present on the scalp and prevents the new one from regrowing.

    Please Note: Chemotherapy does not only make the scalp hair shed. But along with that, it makes the hair from the eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic and armpit areas fall off.

    A Gladdening Point for You

    Keep in mind that the hair which grows after chemotherapy do have a different colour and texture s compared to the one which was there before the procedure.

     After how much time, the hair after the chemotherapy treatment begins to fall?

    Immediately after two to four weeks of undergoing chemotherapy, the hair begins to fall. It would be a difficult time for you since the hair loss after the chemotherapy is really quick and it may fall off in the clumps gradually. You could experience the shed hair on your pillow, comb, shower drain, sink and comb.

    What if my hair does not grow even after the chemotherapy?

    In that situation, you can opt for a hair transplant in Punjab. It is the last but effective option left for you to fight hair loss.

    How much would the hair transplant cost?

    The cost of the hair transplant is subjective in each case. It is based on the total number of grafts to fill the bald area and the number of sittings required to accomplish the procedure.

    Wind Up!

    No matter whatever be the reason for the hair loss, it is always going to be distressing. But just like other problems, it does have a solution too. A hair transplant procedure will curb this problem and make you appear handsome or a beautiful individual.