Facts About Beard Hair Transplant


    Facts About Beard Hair Transplant

    Hair transplant is the most effective way to treat the issue of hair fall. But, with the advancement in science and technology, the method is effective in transplanting the hair in beard and eye. With the method of FUE, the hair is transplanted. In this topic, we will tell you different facts about beard transplant.

    When people face the problem of receding hairline, the most effective method to treat the problem is a hair transplant. The transplant is not only effective in treating the hair fall but it can also be used to transplant the hair on the eyebrows and beard. The demand for beard hair transplant has been increased a lot in the past few years. Here, we will tell you the must-known fact about the beard transplant.

    • Choose the Style of your own choice

    Beard transplant is not only linked with goatee style, but you can choose the beard type you want before patient undergo the beard hair transplant surgery. No doubt, every man dream of having a large & thick beard. With this, the method you can get the beard you have always wished for. During the consultation, the surgeon will let you know about different ideas.

    • Hair grafts will be transplanted up to 300 grafts

    With the surgery, it is possible to create a full beard. The bigger beard you want, the number of grafts will increase to get the look you want. For full beard 2500 to 3000 grafts are required and to get a goatee around 1200 to 1500 grafts are required.

    • The transplanted hair will fall quickly

    After the transplant, the results are satisfactory but it does not last for a long time. This is because the transplanted grafts will fall out. Well, this is pretty normal and when the hair shed it won’t affect the final results. Due to this, the new hair will grow quickly. They look natural and the hair which grows they are your own. Once the hair grows back, they will be treated in the same way as you treat the other hair of the beard.

    • The hair will be treated normally

    Sometimes people fear about shaving or cutting the hair, as they feel it might get damaged. But, there is nothing to worry about as in a couple of months you can treat the hair in the same manner as you do with your regular beard.

    • The entire procedure will take around four hours

    Well, the exact length of surgery will vary according to the individual need which depends on the size of the beard you want. On average, it takes around 2 to 4 hours to complete the surgery. In most cases, one session is needed to transplant the hair. However, it might be possible that the second session is required.