Do’s and Dont’s of FUE Hair Transplant


    Do’s and Dont’s of FUE Hair Transplant

    Getting a hair transplant is one of the biggest decision which you have to make. No doubt, it is one of the effective way to deal with the problem of hair loss and balding. If you are going to get hair transplant surgery then there are certain factors which you have to keep in mind so that the entire process goes smoothly. In most cases, people prefer FUE method of hair transplant. We have mentioned some things which you should do and don’t so that the results are effective and permanent.

    Do of FUE method

    • Before getting an FUE hair transplant, make sure you choose the best surgeon for transplant. This is one important consideration which you should always keep in mind. Make sure you properly research and select the doctor who is qualified and experienced. It would be even better if you select the top-rated surgeon.
    • Make sure you have someone with you who can drive you back home. During the surgery, who will be given anesthesia so your doctor will not recommend you to drive on your own.
    • After the surgery, you should take proper care of the scar. As there will be some kind of scarring involved so apply the cream which is prescribed by the specialist.
    • On the treated area, there will be swelling. To reduce it you should apply ice around the area or on the forehead (not on the transplanted area). If you think the problem is not going away then you should consult the doctor so that they can examine your scalp.
    • Keep in mind all the guidelines and prescriptions given to you. You won’t realize how beneficial all the small details are for seeing the results and to recover properly.

    Don’t of FUE Method

    • You should not touch the scalp after getting the transplant as it might result in infection. Additionally, the grafts will get affected or they might fall out. This eventually affects the regrowth of hair.
    • Do not choose the treatment plan which is very cheap. It might happen that the results are not appropriate or the technique is not the latest. So, carefully evaluate everything before undergoing the surgery.
    • If you feel irritation or itching then try to avoid it. If you do so then the wound will not heal properly and the recovery process will slow down.
    • At least seven days before the transplant, do not take any type of anti-inflammatory medicine or aspirin.
    • Before or after the surgery, do not drink or smoke. As they contain harmful substances which will affect the growth of hair follicles.
    • Do not involve yourself in any type of vigorous activity which can result in sweating. The grafts will get affected because of excessive sweat.