Hair Restoration Doctor Guide: Does hair transplant give permanent results?


    Hair Restoration Doctor Guide: Does hair transplant give permanent results?

    Are results of hair transplant permanent?

    When you think of undergoing a hair transplant: ‘What comes to your mind?’ There’s not just one concern that bothers the individual. One of the common concerns is: ‘Are hair transplant results permanent?’ Hair Transplant in Punjab is one of the highly demanded forms of hair restoration for men and women. So, if someone has hair loss to a great extent, you should look out for this method.

    Hair transplant treatment in Punjab: Road to excellent hair growth

    When you get the hair loss treatment in Punjab, you will only get long-lasting results and offer permanent hair growth. The hair transplantation advanced, and inventive technique plays the most significant factor in this type of hair restoration treatment.

    Are the results of hair transplant permanent?

    When you visit the hair clinic in Vizag, the doctor analyzes your present hair loss state, checks the severity of baldness, determines the graft requirement, checks the procedure you need, and checks your overall well-being. Only after that, the doctor analyzes which type of hair transplant technique you need.

    Once the hair grafts are extracted, it’s transplanted to the area with less hair growth. After the treatment, hair growth starts within 3 months i.e. a few inches long. Although, the final results visibility period falls within 8 to 12 months after surgery. It’s natural and permanent whether you talk about hair growth or the results.

    Do I need to get more than one hair transplant session?

    Well, the given statement does not apply to everyone. Yes! Few cases require a transplant session more than once. Only the severity of hair loss is in excess, and only a session is not enough to cover the bald spots.

    What are the types of procedures?

    The advanced and modern approach to hair transplant treatment allows patients to seek ultimate results. The two most highly in-demand treatment options are:

    • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

    During FUE hair transplant, hair follicles are extracted from the back of the scalp and transplanted to the required area.

    • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

    During FUT hair transplant, a strip of hair graft is extracted from the donor area and transplanted to the problematic area.

    Change your appearance for the better with a hair transplant

    No doubt, once a hair transplant completes, it does take some time to notice the difference. But the necessary results that you see are permanent, and the hair growth is natural. The most significant factor is treatment offering psychological benefits like:

    • Boost your self-confidence
    • Boost your self-esteem

    All in all, you will be the best version of yourself. Investing your time and money in hair transplant to address hair loss is worth every penny.