Are you Good Candidate For Hair Transplant


    Are you Good Candidate For Hair Transplant

    Hair transplant surgery is the last resort for the people having trouble with their hair. Hair loss is a common problem which requires immediate attention. If the hair loss continues, you might end up looking bald one day. But there is one thing which we should consider before opting for it. The area of concern is whether we qualify as a suitable candidate or not? we will shed light on this topic. The surgery needs a lot of research work before taking the plunge.

    The best candidature for the surgery is as follows –

    1. Men who have been losing hair since the last five years due to male pattern baldness. The amount of progression is also observed on the Norwood scale. If it is more than 3, it is time for a hair transplant.
    2. People with realistic expectations are also welcome. Sure the surgery fixes many issues but it can’t guarantee a complete makeover. The results are a matter of the amount of donor hair available , the procedure and the extent of hair loss.
    3. Men whose balding pattern a stage of stabilization and would like to add a youthful appearance to their looks.
    4. People who suffer hair loss due to some trauma, injury or burns.
    5. People who have faced hair loss due to facelifts.
    6. Ample amount of donor’s hair needs to be present for a successful surgery.
    7. The surgery should be used only when all the other methods have been tried and they have not yielded the right result.
    8. You may be under the impression that transplant is always an effective solution, then you are in for an surprise. Even though it is successful in most of the cases, it might lead to a shock loss in some people which means that the existing hair might be lost due to the trauma of the surgery.
    9. There is also a risk that the lost hair will not return and what you will be left with is hair that is thinner.

    Read More : What To Expect from Your Hair Transplant result?

    Apart from these factors,  then the doctor will take into account the following factors-

    1. Age –The patients who are too young are not suitable for such procedures. They might be just facing some temporary hair loss which doesn’t need such heavy duty procedures. People above 30 form suitable candidates.
    2. Type of hair loss –Male pattern baldness is something which can be treated with hair transplant, but if the cause of hair loss is alopecia, then it might not work.
    3. The severity of hair loss-the amount of healthy hair will determine how much donor grafts can be made available to the surgeon. If there is an ample amount, it guarantees a successful transplant.