Cryolipolysis And Submental Fat


    Cryolipolysis And Submental Fat

    We all know of various surgical and non-surgical methods to reduce our fat. Out of these Cryolipolysis is a well-known technique. The term has been derived from two Greek words, cryo, lipo, and lysis. Cryo means cold and lipid means fat. Lysis means dissolution. So literally, the word can be decomposed to breaking down of fat using cold. This method is used to melt the fat using extremely cold temperatures. This technique is majorly used for spot reduction in areas with fat deposits. In this process, the specified area of the skin is exposed to a temperature ranging from +5 to -11oC. This extreme cooling causes the death of fat cells of the cell underlying the top layer which is also called the subcutaneous layer. The process achieves its result without harming the top layer of the skin. This technique is highly recommended when a minor fat reduction is required (up to 20%).

    Submental fat

    The submental area is the term given to the area beneath the chin. An overgrowth in this area is called submental fullness. The condition of submental fullness can occur in anyone, irrespective of age or gender. The underlying cause maybe genetics, weight gain or aging.

    Efficacy of Crypolipolysis

    The technique of Crypolipolysis has been hailed as a safe and non-surgical method to reduce submental fat. Another point that goes in its favor is the lower amount of side effects. Although the experts put the satisfaction rate at 83%, side effects like erythema, numbness and bruising were observed in some cases which subsided by the twelfth week but no cases of paradoxical hyperplasia or mandibular nerve injury have been reported. The most common side effect seems to be erythema. It was also found that the treatment cause no changes in lipids or liver function when the follow up was carried out after 1, 4 and 12 weeks. The study further states that patient counseling should be carried out in which the patient is informed about submental contouring, minimum necessary sessions, side effects, and cost. But it may not be effective for removing large fat deposits. It might also make the skin look imperfect due to platysmal banding.

    Liposuction in comparison to Crypolipolysis

    Liposuction is still the often preferred method when it comes to removing large deposits of fats from the body. It is carried out by making small incisions in the body and sucking out fat through a cannula, a suction device. The procedure calls for anesthetizing, preferably at the local level. A certain amount of recovery time is also required as the patient has incisions on his skin and has been under the effect of anesthesia as well.

    Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical process in which a specific area is clamped down upon and a cooled to an extreme temperature. The freezing temperature causes the cells to die. They are naturally disposed of through the liver by the body. The results show up after a few weeks and the final result comes after a few months. The procedure doesn’t require any cutting or stitching. There is no need of using anesthesia. The patient doesn’t need to rest afterward either. Both the procedures have their pros and cons.