Doctor Advice, “3 Tips To Prevent Hair Thinning Post Pregnancy”


    Doctor Advice, “3 Tips To Prevent Hair Thinning Post Pregnancy”

    Pregnancy is an essential phase in a woman’s life, but you could not disagree with the statement that it brings a lot more complications than one is ready for.

    And it does not stay till the phase of pregnancy, post pregnancy also brings a box of side effects as the hormones see a lot of fluctuations during the birthing period, it changes the body, sometimes in women immensely. Thus resulting in various post-birth effects, including hair loss.

    Yes, hair loss is one of the things that a woman faces after her pregnancy. Today, we will talk about how you could prevent such hair loss.

    But if it gets out of hand and the thinning of hair becomes extreme, you could always opt for a Hair Transplant in Punjab.

    It is not already easy for them; not only does pregnancy take an emotional toll, but it also prevails a body image issue in some cases. On top of that, hair loss could be the point to push them towards the edge.

    Ways To Prevent Hair Loss Post Pregnancy

    There is not much you would be able to do to eliminate the hair loss post-birth, but you can make sure by following the given tips in maintaining the length and growth of the hair.

    • Maintain a better and healthy lifestyle

    Eat healthily and be healthy; your overall health could easily help you overcome such minor problems. It is a given fact that hormones play a significant role in the hair loss journey after conceiving a child, but you could make sure to control it by eating green leafy vegetables and protein-based meals in your daily diet. Do not forget to add fresh fruits and high fiber food too. Your small step could help you prevent extreme hair loss.

    Tips: visit a reputable plastic surgeon in Ludhiana and learn more about such problems and their solution in detail; this would help you not only understand the root cause but also you would be able to find its permanent answer with hair transplant surgery at Profile Forte

    • Consume nutritional supplements

    You can’t get all kinds of nutrients through your meal, so taking additional supplements would always be recommended to you; this step would help you control thinning hair and help maintain better health. Basically, it is a win-win situation for all.

    The following is the supplement you can add to your routine:

    1. Vitamin C and E
    2. Iron
    3. Zinc
    4. Biotin (B7)
    • Do not take more stress or anxiety.

    Do you know the best way to balance your hormones is by reducing stress? This could be accomplished with the help of some daily meditation and yoga. Apart from that, do mild exercise too as it would help you let go of your frustration. Try to take a rest as much as possible. Sleep soundly and get a maximum of 8 hours of sleep. Do not hesitate to take help from your house members in taking care of the child or the household chores.