Hair Transplant in Bathinda
Hair transplant is a nominal out-patient procedure that takes around 4 to 12 hours and are often performed under local anaesthesia. The treatment doesn’t involve any food restrictions. The FUE hair transplant in Bathinda is a popular choice because of the following benefits over FUT:
- 1. Mild or almost no pain after the procedure
- 2. Surgeon spends 70 to 100% of his time with patient whilst in FUT, they spend only 10 to 30% time with patients.
- 3. No stitches are needed
- 3. No stitches are needed
- 4. Free from noticeable scars
- 5. Patients heal within one to two weeks
- 6. Patients need to take rest for 2 to 3 days before any strenuous activities
- 7. Patients can join the office the second day of the treatment.
Why should you contact expert surgeons?
- 1. Beard or other body parts can be harvested in single sitting to receive the donor hairs
- 2. Big sessions are regularly conducted in single day
- 3. Supreme magnification devices are used to accurate placement of the grafts in the recipient area
- 4. The grafts are removed by specialized surgeons at the nominal transaction rate
- 5. Direct implantation of the removed grafts is performed
A medical treatment is performed to determine the requirement of number of grafts for hair restoration as well as Fue hair transplant cost in bathinda before beginning the procedure. The cause of hair loss is found during this diagnosis. The hair transplants are used to thicken the hairlines in the front and side areas of scalp.